Playing "Cool Cave" -Kirby's Epic Yarn




This is my first ever blog entery! Yayy!!
Well, to get things started, this is the summer before my senior year of highschool at the arts school I attend. So thats cool. (I'm a theater major lmao) But I also entered into capitalism this summer with my first job at a high-end supermarket. Which basically means I'm quick with my hands now when it comes to touchscreens.
Other than all of that, my life has been pretty good lately; or as good as I could hope for right now. I'm honestly just counting my days till I can move out so I can finally get on with my life. My parents "accept" me but only when my identites are internal. So when I move out a year from now (to who knows where), I'll finally be able to dress how I want, get on hormones, plan for opperations I might want to take, and just be called a name I want to be called by.
For the sake of this not ending on a gloomy note, though, I'll talk about this place! I discovered the indie web not that long ago through a Rain World Iterator AU linked on tumblr. I literlly wouldn't be here without it lol. And I'm so glad I am here because THIS is what I've always wanted in social media! The freedom to make whatever I want is so nice and it's so satisfying to experience the fruits of my labors in the form of an online space just for me and you web surfers. I can't wait to get involved in the community here. :D