To Do:
- Re-style whole website :P (indecision is pain)
- Make a change-log
- Collect more blinkies and stamps (Indefinitly)
- Add secrets
- Oc chat
- Add beepbox html link
- Make navlink ad
- Add a "literally me" window
- Random image loader on homepage
- Social links
- Song shuffler
- Reorganize Music page
- Site doll
- Collections page (plushies, cds, vinyls, ect)
- Blinkies page
- Music page
- Oc hub
- Noir Electronica page (world building included)
- Crow page
- 404 page
- Interactive computer faces
- Favorite Music page
- Iterator Logs style fanfic
- Site map
- Rain World
- Deltarune
- Dungeon Meshi (eventually)
- Femtanyl
- Jerma
- Jacob and Julia (SSS)